Thursday, December 19, 2019
From The Beginning Of Time, The World Has Arguably Treated
From the beginning of time, the world has arguably treated women as unequal to men in relationships, media, literature, and more. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birth-Mark†are no different. Though the authors of the two short stories are of different gender, both stories convey a similar message concerning women. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†revolves around a woman suffering from temporary nervous depression. Against the woman’s better judgment, John, a physician and her husband, prescribes the rest cure, which forbids any activity or work, as treatment. Confined to one room, the woman becomes obsessed with the yellow wallpaper and eventually becomes what her husband strived to prevent.†¦show more content†¦Referring to this very occurrence in â€Å"The Perfect Woman: Misogyny in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ and Nathaniel Hawthorneâ €™s ‘The Birth-Mark,’†Aaron Lockman comments, â€Å"Aylmer’s perceived worth, unlike Georgiana’s, is linked to his proficiency as a scientist rather than his appearance†(Lockman 2). Additionally, in Women Beware Science: ‘The Birthmark,’ Judith Fetterley also views Georgiana as â€Å"an exemplum of woman as beautiful object, reduced to and defined by her body†(Fetterley 2). Throughout â€Å"The Birth-Mark,†readers continue to only learn of Georgiana’s physical appearance rather than her own accomplishments or enjoyments. On the other hand, Hawthorne describes Aylmer’s goals, failures, and life in great detail. Like Hawthorne’s short story, Gilman’s story also illustrates the same manifestation of gender roles in that the description of the wife again has no substance. Not only does Gilman describes the narrator by her illness, but also by her childish thoughts and lack of understanding. Alternatively, Gilman describes John by his career as a physician and superior knowledge. Gilman writes, â€Å"John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gilman 526). This description of John shows his view of himself as the more sophisticated, wiser spouse and hints at John’s perspective of his wife as belonging to a lower-class.Show MoreRelatedThe Characters of Othello, The Monk and Jeannette in Oranges1577 Words  | 7 Pagescelestial being to be treated, ‘the sound of his voice seemed to penetrate into every soul’ provokes the idea that the people of the church perceived or regarded Ambrosio as a man of great likening to Christ, a man that carries an undefinable presence about him who is able to provoke a consortium of emotion from the people that admire him due to his pious character. The use of â€Å"He knows not what consists the difference of Man and Woman†, illustrates to what great extent Ambrosio has embedded himself inRead MoreThe Battle between Passion and Responsibility in Great Expectations964 Words  | 4 Pagesresponsibility and judgment to use them wisely. 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